Sunday, April 4, 2010


Ginger has been used for its health benefits for over 5000 years and 
is a favorite medicinal as well as culinary herb.
rhizome by 

Unlike most spices, the part that has the most medicinal value 
grows under ground. Often mistakenly called “ginger root” 
this is actually the rhizome of the plant which is more of a 
subterranean stem than a root. Although you can use dried ginger 
and powdered ginger for health benefits, fresh ginger is preferred.
Roots by 

The intake of ginger helps stimulate the secretion of mucus, quieting your cough 
and soothing any scratchiness in your throat.
Ginger! by vieux

Ginger has been proven (in multiple studies) to treat feelings of nausea, 
particularly in the form of seasickness, morning sickness, motion sickness 
and as a side effect of chemotherapy.
Ginger by 

In pregnancy is to be extra careful!! Never use any herb, including ginger,
without first discussing it with your doctor!! As for those suffering from ulcer, 
or other very serious gastric problems, they should also consult their doctor.
Doctor Hand by

Ginger contains anti viral, anti toxic, and anti fungal properties, 
and is used for the prevention of and treatment against the common cold.
Honey Lime 
Ginger Drink by Nags The Cook.

Ginger acts as an antihistamine and
aids in the treatment of allergies.
Giant Ginger 
Root by Damian Cugley.

Ginger displays anti inflammatory properties and can be used to treat 
rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and various other muscular disorders.
Ginger Study (1)
 by Ida Christine Kvisgaard.

The chemical components of the root are instrumental in inhibiting the biosynthesis of prostaglandins which are responsible for causing inflammation.

Thus the root has proven to be a highly effective form of treatment,
in some cases, even more so than the NSAID's that are traditionally prescribed.

So eating ginger may help to prevent
cancer and aging disorders.

Ginger contains special enzymes responsible for catalyzing the proteins
in your food, thus aiding in digestion and the prevention of cramps.

Good for those with constipation!
Ginger Root by 

The ancient Greeks used to eat ginger after a large meal,
in order to ease the digestion process.
P7168420 LR2 
Root Ginger, Turmeric & Red Chilli Peppers by arifaqmal.

Ginger has proven to help lower your cholesterol
levels and prevent the formation of blood clots.
Ginger root by 

As a mood enhancer, ginger's cineole content
may help contribute to stress relief.
ginger roots by 

Also used for migraine headache.
ginger root by 

Ginger can also be used for reducing toothache and the discomfort which 
arises due to the infection in the upper respiratory tract due to its antibacterial and antifungal nature.Ginger, onions 
and garlic by vieux bandit.

Chewing on fresh ginger,,
 can help freshen the breath

Being a warming herb, ginger can help knock out a fever. 
This property also makes it effective in stimulating circulation of the blood.
Ginger Root by 
J. Pollack Photography.

It can also help relax muscles around the blood vessels
and is said to help prevent blood clots from forming. 
The warming effects make it a natural decongestant as well as an antihistamine, 
making it the perfect remedy for colds.
Lemon and Ginger
 Drink by Red Snapper9.

Some studies show that it can even help inhibit
the replication of the herpes simplex virus.
a ginger root by
Recent studies show that ginger might also have a role in lowering LDL
cholesterol because the spice can help reduce the amount of cholesterol 
that is absorbed.
Curry with 
Zucchini by Jernej K.

It has also been shown in animal trials to help slow
or even prevent cancerous tumor growth.

To discover the health benefits of ginger for yourself, simply make a tea by 
 steeping about 5 slices of ginger in hot water.

If you prefer it in your food,
BBQ Salmon &
 Succotash by NicnBill.

Ginger is excellent in many dishes and
is perfect when combined with garlic.
Ginger & 
Garlic by light~n~shadow.

Ginger doesn't only spice up your food it can also help to put some extra spice
in your intimate life too. It improves blood flow to your sexual organs, 
and contains Vitamin C, zinc and magnesium.

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